What disappears – poems

Útgefandi: Dimma
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Innbundin 2022 119 3.990 kr.

What disappears – poems

Útgefandi : Dimma

3.990 kr.

What disappears Kápa
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Innbundin 2022 119 3.990 kr.

Um bókina

This bilingual edition of Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson‘s poetry, which includes photographs of abandoned house by Nökkvi Elíasson, presents a moving and unique image of an Iceland that once was. When their first book, Eyðibýli / Abandoned Farms, came out in 2004, it garnered well-deserved attention, and their works have since travelled far and wide in various forms and have been met with excellent reception. Music has been composed together with the poetry and the photographs have adorned book covers as well as magazine pages.

Here, poetry and photography complement one another with a poignant effect and arouse a strong feeling for the ephemeral. Sorrow-filled beauty accompanies the echoes of a time gone by that in some way continues to move us.

What disappears

remains standing still

behind lines, hands and fragments

never ceases to be.

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Opnunartímar á Fiskislóð

Virkir dagar 10-18
Laugardagar 11-17
Sunnudagar 12-16


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