Northern Captives

Útgefandi: Saga Akademía
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Kilja 2022 209 2.190 kr.

Northern Captives

Útgefandi : Saga Akademía

2.190 kr.

Northern Captives
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Kilja 2022 209 2.190 kr.

Um bókina

In the summer of 1627, Barbary corsairs raided Iceland. They killed dozens of people and captured over four hundred, packing the captives abroad their ships and transporting them to North Africa to be sold in the slave markets there. The first place the corsairs attacked in Iceland was Grindavik. This book recounts the story of that attack and its aftermath – a story that has never before been told.

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Virkir dagar 10-18
Laugardagar 11-17
Sunnudagar 12-16


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