Hófí makes friends

Útgefandi: Draumsýn
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Innbundin 2018 48 2.490 kr.

Hófí makes friends

Útgefandi : Draumsýn

2.490 kr.

Hófí makes friends
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Innbundin 2018 48 2.490 kr.

Um bókina

Hófí makes some new friends on the farm, while she waits to go home to her new family. Life is exciting and fun in the countryside.

The adventures of Hófi are inspired by the Icelandic sheepdog Hólmfríður frá Kolsholti (1988-2003). The author of the book series is Monika Dagný Karlsdóttir, the owner of Hófí. Monika Dagný is an obedience and dog agility judge and has bred Icelandic sheepdogs since 1991.

The books are beautifully illustrated by the designer and Dutch artist Martine Jaspers-Versluijs.

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