Flowering Plants and Ferns of Iceland

Útgefandi: MM
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2010 368 4.890 kr.

Flowering Plants and Ferns of Iceland

Útgefandi : MM

4.890 kr.

Íslenska plöntuhandbókin á ensku
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2010 368 4.890 kr.

Um bókina

Flowering plants and ferns of Iceland, one of the most popular guides to Icelandic flora, has now been extensively revised and improved. Inside you’ll find 465 different species of plants, some of which are new to Iceland or have been naturalized in recent decades. The unique features of each plant are briefly described, as well as information about its habitat, distribution, flowering time and size. Each species is illustrated by a colour photograph, a drawing and a distribution map based on the most recent available data. The book is organized by flower colour and other easily identifiable features, all of which is explained in the illustrated key that precedes the plant descriptions. This is designed to make it easy for the layman to distinguish and identify plants and come to know the diverse and beautiful flora of Iceland.

The author, Hörður Kristinsson, is a Dr. rer. nat. in botany and has been studying and photographing the flora of Iceland for almost fifty years. He was a professor of botany at the University of Iceland from 1977–1987 and later director of the Icelandic Institute of Natural History in Akureyri. In 1999 he became a research scientist at the same institution, until his retirement in 2007.


Íslenska plöntuhandbókin er einhver vinsælasta handbók sinnar tegundar og birtist nú í nýjum búningi, ríkulega aukin og endurbætt. Fjallað er um 465 tegundir plantna, þar af margar sem hafa bæst við íslenska flóru á undanförnum árum.

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