Dreamland – A Self-Help Manual for a Frightened Nation

Útgefandi: Forlagið
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2008 291 3.390 kr.

Dreamland – A Self-Help Manual for a Frightened Nation

Útgefandi : Forlagið

3.390 kr.

Dreamland - a Self-Help Manual for a Frightened Nation
Gerð ÚtgáfuárSíðurVerðMagn
Mjúk spjöld 2008 291 3.390 kr.

Um bókina

“You authors are totally out of touch with reality,” the cab driver tells Andri Snær Magnason in the first few pages of this unique and ground-breaking work.

The writer accepts the challenge and takes the reader with him on a bizarre journey through present day Iceland, observed from a new and poetic perspective. In the process, Andri Snær unveils a totally new aspect on the familiar and gets to the core of the most dominant issues of our time.

Dreamland is a deeply moving book about environmental concerns; knowledgeable and written with a rare passion that touches every reader. It is philosophical and political, yet full of humour and amusing observations. It is serious but optimistic. And it has that something that singles out those books that find the pulse of their era, be it in Iceland or elsewhere.

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